In some cases, plantar warts resolve naturally. Other cases may require treatment. There are various treatment options available for warts, depending on their type, location, and individual preferences.

Common treatment includes use of salicylic acid and liquid nitrogen. Other more invasive therapies include laser and minor procedures to surgically remove the wart tissue. Each person’s immune system responds differently to warts.

Treatment for warts should be sought from a professional if you have the following

  1. The lesion is bleeding, painful or changes in appearance or colour.
  2. The wart persists, multiplies, or recurs despite treatment.
  3. There is discomfort with activities.
  4. Diabetes or poor sensation in your feet.
  5. Weakened immune system because of immune-suppressing drugs or other immune system disorders.
  6. Unsure whether the lesion is a wart.

Our team of highly experienced Podiatrists can provide an accurate assessment and advise on the most suitable treatment for your needs. At Atlas Podiatry, we also offer a safe, clinically proven treatment for plantar warts. Get in touch with us to find out more!

Podiatrist Recommended Care Tips For Preventing Plantar Warts

  1. Avoid walking barefoot in shared communal spaces, such as swimming pools and changing rooms.
  2. Keep the wart covered with a plaster and wash your hands frequently to avoid spreading plantar warts to other people.
  3. Keep your feet clean and dry. Clean your shoes and change your socks daily.
  4. Do not pick or scratch warts.
  5. Do not use the same emery board, pumice stone or nail clipper on your warts as the ones you use on your healthy skin and nails.